Monday 27 April 2015

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Create Calculator Application in Urdu using C#

Project  - Create Calculator Application in Urdu using C#
  1. Part 1 - create calculator application using C#
  2. Part 2 - create calculator application using C#

C# free urdu course

C# tutorials in urdu

Note: We are using Visual Studio 2010 during the recording.

C# Beginner 'Windows Forms Application (WinForms)' Tutorials In Urdu

    1. Introduction to C# programming In Urdu
    2. Writing a simple Program In C# In Urdu
    3. C# Basic Datatypes and Arithmetic Operators In Urdu
    4. C# conditional statement In Urdu - If else statement
    5. C# conditional statement In Urdu - switch Statement
    6. C# Functions and Methods In Urdu (Video 1)
    7. C# Functions and Methods In Urdu (Video 2)
    8. C# Functions and Methods In Urdu (Video 3)
    9. Discussion on Different Programming Books
    10. C# Logical Operators In Urdu
    11. C# Conditional Operator (?:) In Urdu
    12. C# enum Tutorial In Urdu
    13. C# Looping Tutorial In Urdu (Basic Syntax)
    14. C# ComboBox Control Tutorial In Urdu
    15. C# ListBox Control Tutorial In Urdu
    16. C# create complex UI layouts using GroupBox control Tutorial In Urdu
    17. C# Adding Validations to your Data entry forms In Urdu (Part 1)
    18. C# moving cursor to next textbox when pressing "Enter" button In Urdu
    19. C# restricting users to enter information in data entry form In Urdu
    20. C# Printing using PrintPrivewDialog and PrintDocument Controls In Urdu (Part 1)
    21. C# Printing using PrintPrivewDialog and PrintDocument Controls In Urdu (Part 2)
    22. C# How to create custom Project and Item templates In Urdu
    23. C# How to create Executable (Exe) File in Urdu
    24. C# How to create DLL (Dynamic Link Libraries) in Urdu
    25. C# How to add drag and drop in Windows Form Application In Urdu (Simple)
    26. C# How to add drag and drop in Windows Form Application In Urdu (Advance)
    27. C# How to mix C# and VB.NET codes in the same solution In Urdu
    28. C# Difference between Build, ReBuild and Clean Commands In Urdu
    29. C# Creating Professional layouts in WinForms Application In Urdu